In summary, Offsite manufacturing saves time, reduces waste (and unnecessary emissions), improves build quality and saves money. There are many further benefits such as reduced truck movements to site, reduced stock holding complexity, cost certainty and an overall reduction in installation risk

Increased productivity
With the reduction in installation time, a single installer can install MEP services into many more modules per shift
Installation of the MEP services no longer holds up the module on the production line

Reduced installation time
80% reduction in installation time: self-contained frames, ready to be boarded

Increased output
As the takt time per module is reduced, more modules can be produced by the same factory with the same level of resource

Reduced need for trade skills
The skilled plumbing contractor is freed up to focus on value adding commissioning and final testing rather the individual installation works

Fit first time
Manufactured to +/- 1mm (via CNC)

Repeatable digital design
Through effective version control, once the assembly designs are signed off, the CNC machines are programmed once, and then all components are produced identically thanks to the digital processes employed

Reduced installation risk
Fully pressure tested; fully traceable; warrantied